Here are some videos in which I participated.
This is a video-impression of Global Village at Bergense Kunst 10-daagse,
Amara Hoeve, Bergen, North-Holland, the Netherlands.
This is another video impression Poetry slam at Global Village at Bergense Kunst 10-daagse,
Bergen, North-Holland, the Netherlands.
Here's a video impression of the musical performance "Wo geit ut euver" by Willem Fermont, Guido Ancion,
Joyce Oyen, Louw Houtvast, Mark Thuring(+ 2016) and Carmen Heemels.
Another version of "Wo geit ut euver" with Willem Fermont, Guido Ancion, Mark Thuring(+2016), Louw Hautvast,
Jos van Wunnik and Carmen Heemels